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New update Made2Pay app

3 min read

In the dynamic world of small-scale hospitality and retail businesses, efficiency is crucial. At Made2pay, we listen to the feedback from our users to continuously improve our POS system app. We are proud to present the latest update, which introduces a range of new features and enhancements to make your business operations run even more smoothly.

What have you asked for so far and what have we built?


This feature allows you to create multiple sales areas within your business. This is ideal for hospitality venues with different spaces such as terraces, halls, or floors. You can easily take and manage orders per zone, ensuring an organized and structured workflow.

Floor Plans

The floor plan feature enables you to place objects such as tables, rooms, or order kiosks on a visual map. This helps in efficiently assigning orders to specific locations within your business, allowing both customers and staff to be served more quickly.


You can now apply discounts per item or on the total bill. This flexibility allows you to easily manage and implement promotions and offers when needed.

QR Ordering

Let your guests order directly from their table, room, or cabin using QR codes. This not only speeds up the ordering process but also increases customer satisfaction by reducing wait times.

Pickup and Delivery

With this feature, you can easily create your own webshop for pickup and delivery orders. This allows you to reach a broader audience without complicated integrations or extra costs.

Adding Deposits

For products that require a deposit, you can now easily add this to the product in your POS system. This ensures transparency for your customers and simplifies management.

Options and Option Lists

Create options to add extras to your products, such as toppings or side dishes. You can then create option lists from these options and link multiple lists to a product, providing more flexibility in your offerings.

Updated Knowledge Base

Our knowledge base has been updated to provide easier access to useful information about using our app. Whether you need help with installation or want to understand specific features, everything is within reach.

Feedback Integration

We have also revamped the feedback feature so users can share their experiences directly from the app. This helps us respond even faster to requests and issues.

Version 2.0 | What we are working on in the coming months...

The work never stops! Here are some exciting developments we are currently working on:

Using Multiple Devices Simultaneously

Soon it will be possible to use multiple devices simultaneously under one account thanks to our new cloud functionality. This means all your staff will have simultaneous access to the same data, promoting collaboration. Additionally, all devices such as POS systems and handhelds will share the same information in real-time.

New Integrations

We are working hard on new integrations with accounting software, payment providers, and property management systems (PMS). These integrations will help create a seamless workflow between different aspects of your business operations.

Kitchen Screens & Bar Screens

Kitchen screens and bar screens ensure that orders are sent directly to the kitchen and bar without paper tickets. This way of processing orders is very intuitive and user-friendly.

Pickup Screens

These screens clearly display which orders are ready for pickup, reducing wait times and providing a streamlined experience for both customers and staff.

Customer Profiles

With customer profiles, you can offer personalized service by gaining insight into previous purchases and preferences of returning guests.


At Made2pay, we remain committed to providing small-scale hospitality and retail entrepreneurs with reliable solutions that simplify their daily operations. The latest update brings numerous improvements designed with direct input from our user community – all focused on user-friendliness, efficiency, and reliability. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to build the future of modern POS systems together!

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